Online repeat prescription service
Important Message Regarding Prescriptions - COVID-19
During the current crisis we will arrange delivery of medication for our dispensing patients, this will usually be within 2 to 5 working days of receipt of the request
Any non-dispensing patient who have not already nominated a chemist should do so their as they are currently unable to collect scripts from the Surgery
Online ordering
If you wish to request your prescriptions online ,please contact reception,or download the NHS App
Ordering in Writing
In the interests of safety and confidentiality, requests for repeat prescriptions are not taken over the telephone.
Patients requiring repeat prescriptions should submit their request in writing.
The slip attached to the prescription will have a review date printed on the right hand side indicating when it will be necessary to have your medication reviewed. After this no further prescriptions can be issued until you have had an appointment with your doctor.
If you live more than one mile from a pharmacy, your medication will normally be dispensed at the surgery.
Please allow at least two clear working days for your prescription to be prepared.