Covid-19 Out of Hours News

7 Little St John's Street, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 1EE

Email Contact    Tel: 01394 382 046

Contact Details



Child Vaccinations

All children should commence the immunisation programme from two months old. You will receive invitations to attend our child clinics. Detailed information regarding childhood vaccinations


Cervical Cytology

Women between the ages of 25 to 65 will receive an invitation for a cervical smear test. This procedure should be performed routinely at three to five year intervals depending on age. Smears will be done more frequently where necessary


Contraception and Sexual Health

A full range of contraception and sexual health services are available at the surgery, including contraceptive coil and implant fitting and advice on safe sex and sexually transmitted infection testing, including HIV.


Health Checks

NHS Health Checks are available for patients aged between 40 and 74 who have not had a check in the last five years. This involves an assessment of your risks for developing heart disease and a simple examination, e.g., blood pressure, urine check and cholesterol level if appropriate. This is particularly important if you smoke, or have a family history of coronary heart disease at an early age (less than 60 years). Our practice nurses will give advice and follow-up support on giving up smoking, losing weight, lowering your cholesterol levels and following a healthy lifestyle



Annual protection against influenza is offered to senior citizens and those at high risk, e.g., with chronic heart, chest, some breathing disorders, and diabetes



Women aged 50 to 70 years will be offered a mammogram every three years, please discuss with your nurse or doctor


Pre-pregnancy Advice

Pre-pregnancy advice is offered by the doctors and midwife for those thinking of becoming pregnant. It is essential that you stop smoking, reduce your alcohol intake to a minimum, ensure an adequate daily intake of the vitamin folic acid in your diet, and check with your doctor about any medication you are taking. As a general rule don't take any drugs, including those bought over the counter, in pregnancy, unless advised by your doctor. All pregnant women should attend the antenatal clinic as soon as possible


Tetanus & Polio

Protection against tetanus and polio should be kept up to date. A full primary course with a booster at 15 should be followed by at least two boosters at 10 year intervals to protect throughout life


Travel Immunisations

Please visit Fit for Travel. Our Practice Nurses are able to give NHS vaccinations.  Information regarding Travel Immunisations.