Ear Wax Removal
We are no longer able to offer ear wax removal at the surgery. Here is a helpful advice sheet on about ear wax.
GP Partners at Little St John's Surgery
Following the retirement of Dr Sidhu at the end of June 2023, Dr Anna Livermore will now be the Senior GP Partner at Little St John's. Dr Livermore will be supported by fellow GP Partner Dr Bella Smith. Both Partners have worked with the practice for a number of years are fully committed to continuing to support the surgery team to deliver the highest standard of care to all of our patients.
Dr Sidhu Retirement
After more than 20 years Dr Rajinder Sidhu has retired as Senior GP Partner at Little St John's Surgery. All the team and patients would like to thank Dr Sidhu for his tremendous contribution during his time with the practice and wish him all the very best for his retirement.
Dr Emily Balme
In April we say goodbye to Dr Emily Balme. Dr Balme has been with Little St John’s Surgery for a number of years and during that time she has been a key part of our GP Team, especially with her tremendous efforts looking after our care homes. We would like to thank Dr Balme for all her hard work and wish her well in her future endeavours.
NHS Community Pharmacist Consultation Service
Little St John’s Surgery are participating in a new approach to improve access for patients to GP appointments. The aim is to direct patients to the most appropriate healthcare professional, which may be a GP or a Pharmacist.
From 31/03/2022 if your symptoms could be resolved by a booked consultation with the pharmacist instead of the GP, you will be given a same-day referral to a pharmacy of your choice.
We think this is a good thing. Once you see how great your local pharmacist is – they are highly trained and skilled clinicians in treating minor illness – we don’t think that you will look back.
This will also help us to free up GP appointments for people with more complex health issues and ensure that everyone gets treated at the right time, by the right healthcare professional.
We are keen to hear what you think and will be listening to your comments and feedback about your experience of using this service.
Research Study - Germ Defence
We are letting you know about a very useful website called Germ Defence which was created by a team of doctors and scientists to give you advice that has been proven to reduce the spread of viruses in the home. It can help you plan how to protect yourself and members of your family from infection by COVID-19 and ‘flu.
Please see this article for details
Evening and Weekend Appointments
Evening and weekend appointments are available at Little St John's Surgery or at an NHS service nearby. Appointments can be made until 8pm on weekdays and between 9am and 5pm on Saturdays.
You will be able to discuss your health concern with a GP, nurse or other health professional and also make routine appointments for vaccinations, health checks and screenings.
Book with the reception team or visit the NHS Suffolk and North East Essex website to learn more about the different health care professionals working in GP surgeries.
GP training afternoons
We are still open to collect pre-made prescriptions and make appointments in person but there are no clinicians on site. Telephones are diverted to 111 from 13.00 on these days to allow staff training.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused. For urgent assistance please contact NHS out of hours service on 111.
Please note, these dates are subject to change:
- Wednesday 17th July 2024
- Wednesday 11th September 2024
- Thursday 17th October 2024
- Wednesday 13th November 2024
- Wednesday 12th February 2025
We are also closed all day on all Bank Holidays.
When you turn 16
Please see our information guide for young persons turning 16 years old. There's also further information on our When you turn 16 page.
National Data Opt Out
You can opt out of your GP record be shared with NHS Digital for planning and research before September 21. For more information please see this advice sheet or our Privacy Policy.
No Excuse for Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse increases by a third during major football tournaments. Please see this Suffolk Domestic Abuse Helpline poster for details. Please note that the poster is not compatible with visual aids, but details of the service are also available by calling the practice.
Research Study - Germ Defence
We are letting you know about a very useful website called Germ Defence which was created by a team of doctors and scientists to give you advice that has been proven to reduce the spread of viruses in the home. It can help you plan how to protect yourself and members of your family from infection by COVID-19 and ‘flu.
Please see this article for details
All appointments can be made online via the NHS App, or by Phone 01394 382 046.
GP appointments will be by Telephone or E-consult only . Subsequently ,if a face to face
consultation is required ,your GP will book this for a mutually convenient time.
You can request prescriptions online via the NHS App
You can drop off prescription requests in the Prescription post box located on the wall outside the surgery .
Dispensary can be contacted via Email.
For Non Dispensing Patients, medication can be collected from, or delivery arranged via, your nominated pharmacy .
Any patient on an adrenaline pen should be watchful of the expiry date and if required speak to a dispenser
Thank you for your understanding.
Blood Tests
If you need a routine blood test or INR these can now be booked online at Landseer Road and also Ipswich Hospital Outpatients. We have very limited phlebotomy appointments available at the surgery during these exceptional circumstances so your patience and support at this time is very much appreciated.
Book your blood test or INR online
How we use Information to Manage the Health of Local Population
For further details see our How we use Information to Manage the Health of Local Population document.
My Care Record
My Care Record enables health and care professionals, directly involved in your care, to access information about you.
National Cancer Diagnosis Audit
This GP Practice is taking part in an important national project to improve how people are diagnosed with cancer.
Patient Online Services
You can now book your appointment and order your repeat prescription online using our patient online access service. Available 24 hours a day, it's especially useful when the practice is closed or telephone lines are busy.
If you have not already registered for this service please pop into the surgery for details.
Book an Appointment
Order Repeat Prescriptions

The 4 Videos below are GDPR notice
Your Rights
What we do with your information
Keeping Records
Click below to watch a video about Fair Processing
Choose Well
Social Prescribing: Connect for Health - What is Social Prescribing?
Social prescribing enables GPs, nurses and other primary care professionals to refer people to a range of local, non-clinical services.
Locally, social prescribing is known as 'Connect for Health'.
NHS England describes social prescribing as “enabling all local agencies to refer people to a link worker”. Link workers - known locally as Community Connectors - give people time and focus on what matters to the person as identified through shared decision making or personalised care and support planning. They connect people to community groups and agencies for practical and emotional support.
Connect for Health particularly works for a wide range of people, including those:
- with one or more long-term conditions,
- who need support with their mental health,
- who are lonely or isolated,
- who have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing.
Take a look at our Special Edition Newsletter about Connect for Health and our A new way of working with you information sheet for more information.
New Support for Parents (Information for young children)
Good neighbourhood schemes / Support
National Cancer Diagnosis Audit
This GP Practice is taking part in an important national project to improve how people are diagnosed with cancer. See this poster about the National Cancer Diagnosis Audit for further details.
Appointment Booking
Did you know that you can book an appointment with the Nurse or the Doctor up to 4 weeks in advance and you can still book appointments on the day.
NHS Suffolk - New Out of Hours Service
If you require urgent medical attention when the surgery is closed, please call the Out Of Hours Service (NHS 111) by dialling 111.
Weekdays: Monday to Friday: 18.30 - 08.00
Weekends: Friday 18.30 - Monday 08.00
Bank Holidays - 24 Hours
GP2GP record transfer
If you register or de-register from Little St John's Surgery your records will be transferred electronically with other surgeries who also have this facility in place.
Think Pharmacist!
Please watch the short film below to find out how seeing a pharmacist can help take the strain off local NHS services...
Suffolk GP+ Appointments
Suffolk GP+ is for people who urgently need a doctor’s appointment, or can’t see their GP on a weekday. Please note that Suffolk GP+ appointments can only be booked through your own local GP practice.
More details on this service can be found here: GP+ Newsletter
Friends and Family
The Friends and Family Test is a way of gathering your feedback, so we can continually review our service.
It is one simple question:
"How likely are you to recommend our GP practice to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?"
Your feedback will help us learn more about what you think of your experience - what you like and what you think we could improve. Ultimately, you're helping us to make changes that will ensure we can offer the best possible care.
It is completely anonymous. Please collect a form from your Doctor or Reception.