Covid-19 Out of Hours News

7 Little St John's Street, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 1EE

Email Contact    Tel: 01394 382 046

Contact Details


Asthma Clinic

Run by appointment only these clinics aim to monitor and give advice on preventative strategies and medication. 


Coronary Heart Disease Clinic

Run by the nurses and doctors jointly the aim is to provide support and regular follow up.


Diabetes Clinic

Run by the nurses and doctors jointly to provide support and regular follow ups for all insulin and tablet or diet controlled diabetics.


Antenatal Clinic

All the doctors carry out antenatal services and share your care with our midwife, Maggie Cook.


Child Health Surveillance

All the doctors are accredited for child health surveillance, and are assisted by our health visitors.


Childhood Immunisations

The Child Health Clinic will send you details of immunisations when they are due. You will then need to make an appointment with the nurse.


Minor Surgery

Performed by appointment only in special clinics at the surgery.


Well Woman Screening / Cervical Smears

Every 3 - 5 years, all women aged 25-64 years of age are offered a smear test and a health check at the surgery. 


Flu Vaccination

Influenza vaccinations are recommended for certain ‘at risk’ groups of people. Check out the news page for eligibility.


New Patient Health Checks

All new patients will be asked to attend for a health check. This enables us to ascertain your current and past medical circumstances.


Well Person Check

Well person checks can be booked with the nurse team and cover areas including smoking, weight reduction, blood pressure and general lifestyle.


Temporary Residents

If a visitor needs to see a doctor you may make arrangements for them to be seen at the surgery on a temporary basis.


Non NHS Medical Services

Some services that we offer are not covered by the NHS and a fee is, therefore, payable. A list of the fees payable can be found on the reception notice board.